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Uses of Class

Packages that use ParserException
org.htmlparser The basic API classes which will be used by most developers when working with the HTML Parser. 
org.htmlparser.beans The beans package contains Java Beans using the HTML Parser. 
org.htmlparser.http The http package is responsible for HTTP connections to servers. 
org.htmlparser.lexer The lexer package is the base level I/O subsystem. 
org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina Extract the images behind thumbnail images. 
org.htmlparser.nodes The nodes package has the concrete node implementations. 
org.htmlparser.sax The sax package implements a SAX (Simple API for XML) parser for HTML. 
org.htmlparser.scanners The scanners package contains classes responsible for the tertiary identification of tags. 
org.htmlparser.tags The tags package contains specific tags. 

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser

Methods in org.htmlparser that throw ParserException
 Remark NodeFactory.createRemarkNode(Page page, int start, int end)
          Create a new remark node.
 Text NodeFactory.createStringNode(Page page, int start, int end)
          Create a new text node.
 Tag NodeFactory.createTagNode(Page page, int start, int end, Vector attributes)
          Create a new tag node.
 void Node.doSemanticAction()
          Perform the meaning of this tag.
 NodeIterator Parser.elements()
          Returns an iterator (enumeration) over the html nodes.
 NodeList Parser.extractAllNodesThatMatch(NodeFilter filter)
          Extract all nodes matching the given filter.
 NodeList Parser.parse(NodeFilter filter)
          Parse the given resource, using the filter provided.
 void Parser.postConnect(HttpURLConnection connection)
          Called just after calling connect.
 void Parser.preConnect(HttpURLConnection connection)
          Called just prior to calling connect.
 void Parser.setConnection(URLConnection connection)
          Set the connection for this parser.
 void Parser.setEncoding(String encoding)
          Set the encoding for the page this parser is reading from.
 void Parser.setInputHTML(String inputHTML)
          Initializes the parser with the given input HTML String.
 void Parser.setResource(String resource)
          Set the html, a url, or a file.
 void Parser.setURL(String url)
          Set the URL for this parser.
 void Parser.visitAllNodesWith(NodeVisitor visitor)
          Apply the given visitor to the current page.

Constructors in org.htmlparser that throw ParserException
Parser(String resource)
          Creates a Parser object with the location of the resource (URL or file).
Parser(String resource, ParserFeedback feedback)
          Creates a Parser object with the location of the resource (URL or file) You would typically create a DefaultHTMLParserFeedback object and pass it in.
Parser(URLConnection connection)
          Construct a parser using the provided URLConnection.
Parser(URLConnection connection, ParserFeedback fb)
          Constructor for custom HTTP access.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.beans

Methods in org.htmlparser.beans that throw ParserException
protected  NodeList FilterBean.applyFilters()
          Apply each of the filters.
protected  URL[] LinkBean.extractLinks()
          Internal routine to extract all the links from the parser.
protected  String StringBean.extractStrings()
          Extract the text from a page.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.http

Methods in org.htmlparser.http that throw ParserException
 URLConnection ConnectionManager.openConnection(String string)
          Opens a connection based on a given string.
 URLConnection ConnectionManager.openConnection(URL url)
          Opens a connection using the given url.
 void ConnectionMonitor.postConnect(HttpURLConnection connection)
          Called just after calling connect.
 void ConnectionMonitor.preConnect(HttpURLConnection connection)
          Called just prior to calling connect.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.lexer

Methods in org.htmlparser.lexer that throw ParserException
 char Page.getCharacter(Cursor cursor)
          Read the character at the given cursor position.
static void Lexer.main(String[] args)
          Mainline for command line operation
protected  Node Lexer.makeRemark(int start, int end)
          Create a remark node based on the current cursor and the one provided.
protected  Node Lexer.makeString(int start, int end)
          Create a string node based on the current cursor and the one provided.
protected  Node Lexer.makeTag(int start, int end, Vector attributes)
          Create a tag node based on the current cursor and the one provided.
 Node Lexer.nextNode()
          Get the next node from the source.
 Node Lexer.nextNode(boolean quotesmart)
          Get the next node from the source.
 Node Lexer.parseCDATA()
          Return CDATA as a text node.
 Node Lexer.parseCDATA(boolean quotesmart)
          Return CDATA as a text node.
protected  Node Lexer.parseJsp(int start)
          Parse a java server page node.
protected  Node Lexer.parsePI(int start)
          Parse an XML processing instruction.
protected  Node Lexer.parseRemark(int start, boolean quotesmart)
          Parse a comment.
protected  Node Lexer.parseString(int start, boolean quotesmart)
          Parse a string node.
protected  Node Lexer.parseTag(int start)
          Parse a tag.
protected  void Lexer.scanJIS(Cursor cursor)
          Advance the cursor through a JIS escape sequence.
 void Page.setConnection(URLConnection connection)
          Set the URLConnection to be used by this page.
 void StringSource.setEncoding(String character_set)
          Set the encoding to the given character set.
abstract  void Source.setEncoding(String character_set)
          Set the encoding to the given character set.
 void Page.setEncoding(String character_set)
          Begins reading from the source with the given character set.
 void InputStreamSource.setEncoding(String character_set)
          Begins reading from the source with the given character set.
 void Page.ungetCharacter(Cursor cursor)
          Return a character.

Constructors in org.htmlparser.lexer that throw ParserException
Lexer(URLConnection connection)
          Creates a new instance of a Lexer.
Page(URLConnection connection)
          Construct a page reading from a URL connection.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina

Methods in org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina that throw ParserException
protected  URL[][] Thumbelina.extractImageLinks(Lexer lexer, URL docbase)
          Get the links of an element of a document.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.nodes

Methods in org.htmlparser.nodes that throw ParserException
 void AbstractNode.doSemanticAction()
          Perform the meaning of this tag.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.parserapplications

Methods in org.htmlparser.parserapplications that throw ParserException
protected  boolean SiteCapturer.isHtml(String link)
          Returns true if the link contains text/html content.
protected  void SiteCapturer.process(NodeFilter filter)
          Process a single page.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.sax

Methods in org.htmlparser.sax with parameters of type ParserException
 void Feedback.error(String message, ParserException e)
          Error message.

Methods in org.htmlparser.sax that throw ParserException
protected  void XMLReader.doSAX(Node node)
          Process nodes recursively on the DocumentHandler.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.scanners

Methods in org.htmlparser.scanners that throw ParserException
protected  Tag CompositeTagScanner.createVirtualEndTag(Tag tag, Lexer lexer, Page page, int position)
          Creates an end tag with the same name as the given tag.
static String ScriptDecoder.Decode(Page page, Cursor cursor)
          Decode script encoded by the Microsoft obfuscator.
protected  void CompositeTagScanner.finishTag(Tag tag, Lexer lexer)
          Finish off a tag.
 Tag StyleScanner.scan(Tag tag, Lexer lexer, NodeList stack)
          Scan for style definitions.
 Tag ScriptScanner.scan(Tag tag, Lexer lexer, NodeList stack)
          Scan for script.
 Tag CompositeTagScanner.scan(Tag tag, Lexer lexer, NodeList stack)
          Collect the children.
 Tag TagScanner.scan(Tag tag, Lexer lexer, NodeList stack)
          Scan the tag.
 Tag Scanner.scan(Tag tag, Lexer lexer, NodeList stack)
          Scan the tag.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.tags

Methods in org.htmlparser.tags that throw ParserException
 void MetaTag.doSemanticAction()
          Perform the META tag semantic action.
 void BaseHrefTag.doSemanticAction()
          Perform the meaning of this tag.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.util

Subclasses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.util
 class EncodingChangeException
          The encoding is changed invalidating already scanned characters.

Methods in org.htmlparser.util with parameters of type ParserException
 void ParserFeedback.error(String message, ParserException e)
static void FeedbackManager.error(String message, ParserException e)
 void DefaultParserFeedback.error(String message, ParserException exception)
          Print an error message.

Methods in org.htmlparser.util that throw ParserException
static Parser ParserUtils.createParserParsingAnInputString(String input)
          Create a Parser Object having a String Object as input (instead of a url or a string representing the url location).
 boolean IteratorImpl.hasMoreNodes()
          Check if more nodes are available.
 boolean NodeIterator.hasMoreNodes()
          Check if more nodes are available.
 Node IteratorImpl.nextNode()
          Get the next node.
 Node NodeIterator.nextNode()
          Get the next node.
static String[] ParserUtils.splitTags(String input, Class nodeType)
          Split the input string in a string array, considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
static String[] ParserUtils.splitTags(String input, Class nodeType, boolean recursive, boolean insideTag)
          Split the input string in a string array, considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
static String[] ParserUtils.splitTags(String input, NodeFilter filter)
          Split the input string in a string array, considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
static String[] ParserUtils.splitTags(String input, NodeFilter filter, boolean recursive, boolean insideTag)
          Split the input string in a string array, considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
static String[] ParserUtils.splitTags(String input, String[] tags)
          Split the input string in a string array, considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
static String[] ParserUtils.splitTags(String input, String[] tags, boolean recursive, boolean insideTag)
          Split the input string in a string array, considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
static String ParserUtils.trimTags(String input, Class nodeType)
          Trim all tags in the input string and return a string like the input one without the tags and their content.
static String ParserUtils.trimTags(String input, Class nodeType, boolean recursive, boolean insideTag)
          Trim all tags in the input string and return a string like the input one without the tags and their content (optional).
static String ParserUtils.trimTags(String input, NodeFilter filter)
          Trim all tags in the input string and return a string like the input one without the tags and their content.
static String ParserUtils.trimTags(String input, NodeFilter filter, boolean recursive, boolean insideTag)
          Trim all tags in the input string and return a string like the input one without the tags and their content (optional).
static String ParserUtils.trimTags(String input, String[] tags)
          Trim all tags in the input string and return a string like the input one without the tags and their content.
static String ParserUtils.trimTags(String input, String[] tags, boolean recursive, boolean insideTag)
          Trim all tags in the input string and return a string like the input one without the tags and their content (optional).
 void NodeList.visitAllNodesWith(NodeVisitor visitor)
          Utility to apply a visitor to a node list.

© 2006 Derrick Oswald
Sep 17, 2006

HTML Parser is an open source library released under Common Public License.