HTML Parser Home Page | |||||||||
with the character and kernel given.
tags from the child list.
tags from the child list.
from the page and position given.
, decoding of streams is
done line by line in order to reduce the maximum memory required.
, encoding of numeric character
references uses hexadecimal digits, i.e.
attribute as an absolute URL.
attribute, if any.
attribute, if any.
(table row) tag.
attribute, if any.
attribute, if any.
attribute, if any.
attribute, if any.
attribute, if any.
PARAM tag with the given name.
- getParameter(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.ObjectTag
- Get the
PARAM tag with the given name.
- getParameterNames() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.AppletTag
- Get an enumeration over the (String) parameter names.
- getParameterNames() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.ObjectTag
- Get an enumeration over the (String) parameter names.
- getParent() -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Node
- Get the parent of this node.
- getParent() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.AbstractNode
- Get the parent of this node.
- getParentFilter() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.HasParentFilter
- Get the filter used by this HasParentFilter.
- getParser() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.FilterBean
- Get the parser used to fetch nodes.
- getPassword() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Get the URL users's password.
- getPath() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.Cookie
- Returns the prefix of all URLs for which this cookie is targetted.
- getPattern() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.RegexFilter
- Get the search pattern.
- getPattern() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.StringFilter
- Get the search pattern.
- getPicturePanel() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Thumbelina
- Get the picture panel object encapsulated by this Thumbelina.
- getPosition() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Cursor
- Get the position of this cursor.
- getPosition() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Lexer
- Get the current cursor position.
- getPredicate() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.NotFilter
- Get the predicate used by this NotFilter.
- getPredicates() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.AndFilter
- Get the predicates used by this AndFilter.
- getPredicates() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.OrFilter
- Get the predicates used by this OrFilter.
- getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.PicturePanel
- Returns the preferred size of the viewport for a view component.
- getPreferredSize() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.PicturePanel
- Get the preferred size of the component.
- getPreviousSibling() -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Node
- Get the previous sibling to this node.
- getPreviousSibling() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.AbstractNode
- Get the previous sibling to this node.
- getProperty(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.sax.XMLReader
- Look up the value of a property.
- getProxyHost() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Get the proxy host name, if any.
- getProxyPassword() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Set the proxy user's password.
- getProxyPort() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Get the proxy port number.
- getProxyUser() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Get the user name for proxy authorization, if any.
- getPublicId() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.sax.Locator
- Return the public identifier for the current document event.
- getQName(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.sax.Attributes
- Look up an attribute's XML qualified (prefixed) name by index.
- getQueue() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Thumbelina
- Getter for property queue.
- getQueueSize() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Thumbelina
- Getter for property queue.
- getQuote() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Attribute
- Get the quote, if any, surrounding the value of the attribute, if any.
- getQuote(StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Attribute
- Get the quote, if any, surrounding the value of the attribute, if any.
- getRawTagName() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Return the name of this tag.
- getRawTagName() -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Tag
- Return the name of this tag.
- getRawValue() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Attribute
- Get the raw value of the attribute.
- getRawValue(StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Attribute
- Get the raw value of the attribute.
- getRawValue() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.PageAttribute
- Get the raw value of the attribute.
- getRawValue(StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.PageAttribute
- Get the raw value of the attribute.
- getRecursive() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.FilterBean
- Get the current recursion behaviour.
- getRecursive() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.HasChildFilter
- Get the recusion setting for the filter.
- getRecursive() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.HasParentFilter
- Get the recusion setting for the filter.
- getRedirectionProcessingEnabled() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Predicate to determine if url redirection processing is currently enabled.
- getRemarkPrototype() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.PrototypicalNodeFactory
- Get the object that is cloned to generate remark nodes.
- getReplaceNonBreakingSpaces() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.HTMLTextBean
- Get the current 'replace non breaking spaces' state.
- getReplaceNonBreakingSpaces() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.StringBean
- Get the current 'replace non breaking spaces' state.
- getRequestHeader(HttpURLConnection) -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.http.HttpHeader
- Gets the request header for the connection.
- getRequestProperties() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Get the current request header properties.
- getResponseHeader(HttpURLConnection) -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.http.HttpHeader
- Gets the response header for the connection.
- getRoot() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.HtmlTreeModel
- Returns the root of the tree.
- getRootNode() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.util.NodeTreeWalker
- Get the root Node that defines the scope of the tree to traverse.
- getRow(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.TableTag
- Get the row at the given index.
- getRowCount() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.TableTag
- Get the number of rows in this table.
- getRows() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.TableTag
- Get the row tags within this table.
- getScriptCode() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.ScriptTag
- Get the script code.
- getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.PicturePanel
- Components that display logical rows or columns should compute
the scroll increment that will completely expose one block
of rows or columns, depending on the value of orientation.
- getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.PicturePanel
- Return true if a viewport should always force the height of this
Scrollable to match the height of the viewport.
- getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.PicturePanel
- Return true if a viewport should always force the width of this
to match the width of the viewport.
- getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle, int, int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.PicturePanel
- Components that display logical rows or columns should compute
the scroll increment that will completely expose one new row
or column, depending on the value of orientation.
- getSecure() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.Cookie
- Returns the value of the 'secure' flag.
- getSelection() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.FilterBuilder
- Return the current selection set as an array.
- getSequencerActive() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Thumbelina
- Gets the state of the sequencer thread.
- getSiblingFilter() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.HasSiblingFilter
- Get the filter used by this HasSiblingFilter.
- getSource() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Page
- Get the source this page is reading from.
- getSource() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.SiteCapturer
- Getter for property source.
- getSpeed() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Thumbelina
- Get the sequencer delay time.
- getStartingLineNumber() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Get the line number where this tag starts.
- getStartingLineNumber() -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Tag
- Get the line number where this tag starts.
- getStartPosition() -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Node
- Gets the starting position of the node.
- getStartPosition() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.AbstractNode
- Gets the starting position of the node.
- getStatusBarVisible() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Thumbelina
- Gets the state of status bar visibility.
- getStrategy() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.RegexFilter
- Get the search strategy.
- getStream() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.InputStreamSource
- Get the input stream being used.
- getString(int, int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.InputStreamSource
- Retrieve a string.
- getString(int, int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Source
- Retrieve a string comprised of characters already read.
- getString(int, int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.StringSource
- Retrieve a string comprised of characters already read.
- getStrings() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.HTMLTextBean
- Getter for property strings.
- getStrings() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.StringBean
- Return the textual contents of the URL.
- getStringText() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.CompositeTag
- Return the text between the start tag and the end tag.
- getStyleCode() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.StyleTag
- Get the style data in this tag.
- getSubNodeFilters() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.Filter
- Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- getSubNodeFilters() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.AndFilterWrapper
- Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- getSubNodeFilters() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.HasAttributeFilterWrapper
- Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- getSubNodeFilters() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.HasChildFilterWrapper
- Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- getSubNodeFilters() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.HasParentFilterWrapper
- Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- getSubNodeFilters() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.HasSiblingFilterWrapper
- Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- getSubNodeFilters() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.NodeClassFilterWrapper
- Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- getSubNodeFilters() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.NotFilterWrapper
- Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- getSubNodeFilters() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.OrFilterWrapper
- Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- getSubNodeFilters() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.RegexFilterWrapper
- Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- getSubNodeFilters() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.StringFilterWrapper
- Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- getSubNodeFilters() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.TagNameFilterWrapper
- Get the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- getSystemId() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.sax.Locator
- Return the system identifier for the current document event.
- getTables() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.visitors.HtmlPage
- getTagBegin() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Gets the nodeBegin.
- getTagCount(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.visitors.TagFindingVisitor
- getTagEnd() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Gets the nodeEnd.
- getTagName() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Return the name of this tag.
- getTagName() -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Tag
- Return the name of this tag.
- getTagNames() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.PrototypicalNodeFactory
- Get the list of tag names.
- getTagPrototype() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.PrototypicalNodeFactory
- Get the object that is cloned to generate tag nodes.
- getTags() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.visitors.ObjectFindingVisitor
- getTags(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.visitors.TagFindingVisitor
- getTarget() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.SiteCapturer
- Getter for property target.
- getText() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.FilterBean
- Convenience method to apply a
to the filter results.
- getText(int, int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Page
- Get the text identified by the given limits.
- getText(StringBuffer, int, int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Page
- Put the text identified by the given limits into the given buffer.
- getText() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Page
- Get all text read so far from the source.
- getText(StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Page
- Put all text read so far from the source into the given buffer.
- getText(char[], int, int, int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Page
- Put the text identified by the given limits into the given array at the specified offset.
- getText() -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Node
- Returns the text of the node.
- getText() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.AbstractNode
- Returns the text of the node.
- getText() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.RemarkNode
- Returns the text contents of the comment tag.
- getText() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Return the text contained in this tag.
- getText() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TextNode
- Returns the text of the node.
- getText() -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Remark
- Returns the text contents of the comment tag.
- getText() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.CompositeTag
- Return the text contained in this tag.
- getText() -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Text
- Accesses the textual contents of the node.
- getTextAreaTag(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.FormTag
- Find the textarea tag matching the given name
- getTextPrototype() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.PrototypicalNodeFactory
- Get the object that is cloned to generate text nodes.
- getThisScanner() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Return the scanner associated with this tag.
- getThisScanner() -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Tag
- Return the scanner associated with this tag.
- getThrowable() -
Method in exception org.htmlparser.util.ChainedException
- getThumbelina() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.ThumbelinaFrame
- Access the Thumbelina object contained in the frame.
- getTileCount() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.TileSet
- Get the number of tiles in this collection.
- getTiles() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.TileSet
- getTitle() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.TitleTag
- Get the title text.
- getTitle() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.visitors.HtmlPage
- getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.HtmlTreeCellRenderer
- Render the node for the tree cell.
- getType(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.sax.Attributes
- Look up an attribute's type by index.
- getType(String, String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.sax.Attributes
- Look up an attribute's type by Namespace name.
- getType(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.sax.Attributes
- Look up an attribute's type by XML qualified (prefixed) name.
- getType() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.ScriptTag
- Get the
attribute, if any.
- getURI(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.sax.Attributes
- Look up an attribute's Namespace URI by index.
- getURL() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.FilterBean
- Get the current URL.
- getURL() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.HTMLLinkBean
- Getter for property URL.
- getURL() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.HTMLTextBean
- Getter for property URL.
- getURL() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.LinkBean
- Getter for property URL.
- getURL() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.StringBean
- Get the current URL.
- getUrl() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Page
- Get the URL for this page.
- getURL() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Parser
- Return the current URL being parsed.
- getURL(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.FilterBuilder
- Get a url for the given resource specification.
- getUser() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Get the user name to access the URL.
- getValid() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Picture
- getValid() -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Tile
- getValue() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Attribute
- Get the value of the attribute.
- getValue(StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Attribute
- Get the value of the attribute.
- getValue() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.Cookie
- Returns the value of the cookie.
- getValue() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.PageAttribute
- Get the value of the attribute.
- getValue(StringBuffer) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.PageAttribute
- Get the value of the attribute.
- getValue(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.sax.Attributes
- Look up an attribute's value by index.
- getValue(String, String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.sax.Attributes
- Look up an attribute's value by Namespace name.
- getValue(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.sax.Attributes
- Look up an attribute's value by XML qualified (prefixed) name.
- getValue() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.OptionTag
- Get the
attribute, if any.
- getValue() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.TextareaTag
- Return the plain text contents from this text area.
- getValueEndPosition() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.PageAttribute
- Get the ending position of the attribute value.
- getValueStartPosition() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.PageAttribute
- Get the starting position of the attribute value.
- getVersion() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.Cookie
- Returns the version of the cookie.
- getVersion() -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Lexer
- Return the version string of this parser.
- getVersion() -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.Parser
- Return the version string of this parser.
- getVersionNumber() -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.Parser
- Return the version number of this parser.
- googlesearch() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.ThumbelinaFrame
- Query google via user specified keywords and queue results.
if the link contains text/html content.
if the link is one we are interested in.
if the link is one we are interested in.
, save resources locally too,
otherwise, leave resource links pointing to original page.
sequences of whitespace characters are replaced
with a single space character.
, does not follow links containing cgi calls.
, does not follow links containing queries (?).
when traversing a PRE tag.
when traversing a SCRIPT tag.
when traversing a STYLE tag.
the link URLs are embedded in the text output.
regular space characters are substituted for
non-breaking spaces in the text output.
objects, in either a depth-first or breadth-first manner.recurseChildren
is true
is true
and it's children
only if recurseChildren
is true
method was last called on this input stream.
will return the first Node again.
CODE attribute.
- setAppletParams(Hashtable) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.AppletTag
- Set the enclosed
PARM children.
- setArchive(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.AppletTag
- Set the
ARCHIVE attribute.
- setAssignment(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Attribute
- Set the assignment string of this attribute.
- setAttribute(String, String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Set attribute with given key, value pair.
- setAttribute(String, String, char) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Set attribute with given key, value pair where the value is quoted by quote.
- setAttribute(Attribute) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Set an attribute.
- setAttribute(String, String) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Tag
- Set attribute with given key, value pair.
- setAttribute(String, String, char) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Tag
- Set attribute with given key/value pair, the value is quoted by quote.
- setAttributeEx(Attribute) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Set an attribute.
- setAttributeEx(Attribute) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Tag
- Set an attribute.
- setAttributeName(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.HasAttributeFilter
- Set the attribute name.
- setAttributesEx(Vector) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Sets the attributes.
- setAttributesEx(Vector) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Tag
- Sets the attributes.
- setAttributeValue(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.HasAttributeFilter
- Set the attribute value.
- setBackgroundThreadActive(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Thumbelina
- Sets the state of the background thread activity.
- setBasePoint(Point) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.FilterBuilder
- Sets the position of the mouse in the component.
- setBaseUrl(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Page
- Sets the baseUrl.
- setBaseUrl(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.BaseHrefTag
- Set the value of the
- setBounds(Rectangle) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Picture
- setBounds(int, int, int, int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Picture
- setBounds(Rectangle) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Tile
- Set the rectangular region for this tile.
- setCaptureResources(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.SiteCapturer
- Setter for property captureResources.
- setCaseSensitive(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.StringFilter
- Set case sensitivity on or off.
- setChildFilter(NodeFilter) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.HasChildFilter
- Set the filter for this HasParentFilter.
- setChildren(NodeList) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Node
- Set the children of this node.
- setChildren(NodeList) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.AbstractNode
- Set the children of this node.
- setCodeBase(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.AppletTag
- Set the
CODEBASE attribute.
- setCollapse(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.HTMLTextBean
- Set the current 'collapse whitespace' state.
- setCollapse(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.StringBean
- Set the current 'collapse whitespace' state.
- setComment(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.Cookie
- If a user agent (web browser) presents this cookie to a user, the
cookie's purpose will be described using this comment.
- setConnection(URLConnection) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.FilterBean
- Set the parser's connection.
- setConnection(URLConnection) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.HTMLLinkBean
- Setter for property Connection.
- setConnection(URLConnection) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.HTMLTextBean
- Setter for property Connection.
- setConnection(URLConnection) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.LinkBean
- Setter for property Connection.
- setConnection(URLConnection) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.StringBean
- Set the parser's connection.
- setConnection(URLConnection) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Page
- Set the URLConnection to be used by this page.
- setConnection(URLConnection) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Parser
- Set the connection for this parser.
- setConnectionManager(ConnectionManager) -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Page
- Set the connection manager to use.
- setConnectionManager(ConnectionManager) -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.Parser
- Set the connection manager all Parsers use.
- setContentHandler(ContentHandler) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.sax.XMLReader
- Allow an application to register a content event handler.
- setCookie(Cookie, String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Adds a cookie to the cookie jar.
- setCookieProcessingEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Enables and disabled cookie processing.
- setCurrentNodeAsRootNode() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.util.NodeTreeWalker
- Sets the current Node as the root Node.
- setCurrentURL(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Thumbelina
- Set the current URL being examined.
- setCursor(Cursor) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Lexer
- Set the current scanning position.
- setDefaultRequestProperties(Hashtable) -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Set the default request header properties.
- setDelay(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Sequencer
- Setter for property delay.
- setDepthFirst(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.util.NodeTreeWalker
- Sets whether the NodeTreeWalker should use depth-first or breadth-first tree traversal.
- setDiscardCGI(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Thumbelina
- Setter for property discardCGI.
- setDiscardQueries(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Thumbelina
- Setter for property discardQueries.
- setDomain(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.Cookie
- This cookie should be presented only to hosts satisfying this domain name
- setDTDHandler(DTDHandler) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.sax.XMLReader
- Allow an application to register a DTD event handler.
- setEmptyXmlTag(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Set this tag to be an empty xml node, or not.
- setEmptyXmlTag(boolean) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Tag
- Set this tag to be an empty xml node, or not.
- setEncoding(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.InputStreamSource
- Begins reading from the source with the given character set.
- setEncoding(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Page
- Begins reading from the source with the given character set.
- setEncoding(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Source
- Set the encoding to the given character set.
- setEncoding(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.StringSource
- Set the encoding to the given character set.
- setEncoding(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Parser
- Set the encoding for the page this parser is reading from.
- setEndPosition(int) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Node
- Sets the ending position of the node.
- setEndPosition(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.AbstractNode
- Sets the ending position of the node.
- setEndTag(Tag) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Set the end tag for this (composite) tag.
- setEndTag(Tag) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Tag
- Set the end tag for this (composite) tag.
- setEndTag(Tag) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.CompositeTag
- Set the end tag for this tag.
- setEntityResolver(EntityResolver) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.sax.XMLReader
- Allow an application to register an entity resolver.
- setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.sax.XMLReader
- Allow an application to register an error event handler.
- setExpanded(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.Filter
- Set the expanded state for the component.
- setExpanded(Filter[], boolean, boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.FilterBuilder
- Expand or collapse filters, possibly recursively.
- setExpiryDate(Date) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.Cookie
- Sets the expiry date of the cookie.
- setExtent(Point) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Picture
- Setter for property extent.
- setFeature(String, boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.sax.XMLReader
- Set the value of a feature flag.
- setFeedback(ParserFeedback) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Parser
- Sets the feedback object used in scanning.
- setFilter(NodeFilter) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.SiteCapturer
- Setter for property filter.
- setFilters(NodeFilter[]) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.FilterBean
- Set the filters for the bean.
- setFormLocation(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.FormTag
- Set the form location.
- setFrameLocation(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.FrameTag
- Sets the location of the frame.
- setFrames(NodeList) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.FrameSetTag
- Sets the frames (children of this tag).
- setHistoryListVisible(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Thumbelina
- Sets the history list visibility.
- setHttpEquiv(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.MetaTag
- Set the
- setIdentity(Object) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Picture
- Setter for property identity.
- setIdentity(Object) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Tile
- Set the distinguishing identity for this tile.
- setImageURL(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.ImageTag
- Set the
- setInputHTML(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Parser
- Initializes the parser with the given input HTML String.
- setJavascriptLink(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.LinkTag
- Set the link as a javascript link.
- setLanguage(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.ScriptTag
- Set the language of the script tag.
- setLexer(Lexer) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Parser
- Set the lexer for this parser.
- setLink(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.LinkTag
- Set the
- setLinks(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.HTMLTextBean
- Setter for property links.
- setLinks(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.StringBean
- Set the 'include links' state.
- setLocale(Locale) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.StringFilter
- Set the locale for uppercase conversion.
- setMailLink(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.LinkTag
- Insert the method's description here.
- setMatchClass(Class) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.NodeClassFilter
- Set the class to match.
- setMetaTagContents(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.MetaTag
- Set the
- setMetaTagName(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.MetaTag
- Set the
- setMonitor(ConnectionMonitor) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Set the monitoring object.
- setName(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Attribute
- Set the name of this attribute.
- setName(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.TagNameFilter
- Set the tag name.
- setNameEndPosition(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.PageAttribute
- Set the ending position of the attribute name.
- setNameStartPosition(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.PageAttribute
- Set the starting position of the attribute name.
- setNodeFactory(NodeFactory) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Lexer
- Set the current node factory.
- setNodeFactory(NodeFactory) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Parser
- Set the current node factory.
- setNodeFilter(NodeFilter, Parser) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.Filter
- Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
- setNodeFilter(NodeFilter, Parser) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.AndFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
- setNodeFilter(NodeFilter, Parser) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.HasAttributeFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
- setNodeFilter(NodeFilter, Parser) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.HasChildFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
- setNodeFilter(NodeFilter, Parser) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.HasParentFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
- setNodeFilter(NodeFilter, Parser) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.HasSiblingFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
- setNodeFilter(NodeFilter, Parser) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.NodeClassFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
- setNodeFilter(NodeFilter, Parser) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.NotFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
- setNodeFilter(NodeFilter, Parser) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.OrFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
- setNodeFilter(NodeFilter, Parser) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.RegexFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
- setNodeFilter(NodeFilter, Parser) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.StringFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
- setNodeFilter(NodeFilter, Parser) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.TagNameFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter for this wrapper.
- setNodes() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.FilterBean
- Fetch the URL contents and filter it.
- setObjectClassId(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.ObjectTag
- Set the
CLASSID attribute.
- setObjectCodeBase(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.ObjectTag
- Set the
CODEBASE attribute.
- setObjectCodeType(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.ObjectTag
- Set the
CODETYPE attribute.
- setObjectData(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.ObjectTag
- Set the
DATA attribute.
- setObjectHeight(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.ObjectTag
- Set the
HEIGHT attribute.
- setObjectParams(Hashtable) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.ObjectTag
- Set the enclosed
PARAM children.
- setObjectStandby(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.ObjectTag
- Set the
STANDBY attribute.
- setObjectType(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.ObjectTag
- Set the
TYPE attribute.
- setObjectWidth(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.ObjectTag
- Set the
WIDTH attribute.
- setOrigin(Point) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Picture
- Setter for property origin.
- setPage(Page) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Lexer
- Set the page this lexer is working on.
- setPage(Page) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.PageAttribute
- Set the page this attribute is anchored to.
- setPage(Page) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Node
- Set the page this node came from.
- setPage(Page) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.AbstractNode
- Set the page this node came from.
- setParent(Node) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Node
- Sets the parent of this node.
- setParent(Node) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.AbstractNode
- Sets the parent of this node.
- setParentFilter(NodeFilter) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.HasParentFilter
- Set the filter for this HasParentFilter.
- setParser(Parser) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.FilterBean
- Set the parser for the bean.
- setParserFeedback(ParserFeedback) -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.util.FeedbackManager
- setPassword(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Set the URL users's password.
- setPath(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.Cookie
- This cookie should be presented only with requests beginning with this
- setPattern(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.RegexFilter
- Set the search pattern.
- setPattern(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.StringFilter
- Set the search pattern.
- setPosition(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Cursor
- Set the position of this cursor.
- setPosition(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Lexer
- Set the current cursor position.
- setPredicate(NodeFilter) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.NotFilter
- Set the predicate for this NotFilter.
- setPredicates(NodeFilter[]) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.AndFilter
- Set the predicates for this AndFilter.
- setPredicates(NodeFilter[]) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.OrFilter
- Set the predicates for this OrFilter.
- setPreferredSize(Dimension) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.PicturePanel
- Sets the preferred size of this component.
- setProperty(String, Object) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.sax.XMLReader
- Set the value of a property.
- setProxyHost(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Set the proxy host to use.
- setProxyPassword(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Get the proxy user's password.
- setProxyPort(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Set the proxy port number.
- setProxyUser(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Set the user name for proxy authorization.
- setQuote(char) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Attribute
- Set the quote surrounding the value of the attribute.
- setRawValue(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Attribute
- Set the value of the attribute and the quote character.
- setRecursive(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.FilterBean
- Set the recursion behaviour.
- setRecursive(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.HasChildFilter
- Sets whether the filter is recursive or not.
- setRecursive(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.HasParentFilter
- Sets whether the filter is recursive or not.
- setRedirectionProcessingEnabled(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Enables or disables manual redirection handling.
- setRemarkPrototype(Remark) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.PrototypicalNodeFactory
- Set the object to be used to generate remark nodes.
- setReplaceNonBreakingSpaces(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.HTMLTextBean
- Set the 'replace non breaking spaces' state.
- setReplaceNonBreakingSpaces(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.StringBean
- Set the 'replace non breaking spaces' state.
- setRequestProperties(Hashtable) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Set the current request properties.
- setResource(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Parser
- Set the html, a url, or a file.
- setRootNode(Node) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.util.NodeTreeWalker
- Sets the specified Node as the root Node.
- setScriptCode(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.ScriptTag
- Set the code contents.
- setSecure(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.Cookie
- Indicates to the user agent that the cookie should only be sent using a
secure protocol (https).
- setSelected(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.Filter
- Set the 'selected look' for the component.
- setSelected(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.SubFilterList
- Set the 'selected look' for the component.
- setSequencerActive(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Thumbelina
- Sets the sequencer activity state.
- setSiblingFilter(NodeFilter) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.HasSiblingFilter
- Set the filter for this HasSiblingFilter.
- setSource(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.SiteCapturer
- Setter for property source.
- setSpeed(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Thumbelina
- Set the sequencer delay time.
- setStartPosition(int) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Node
- Sets the starting position of the node.
- setStartPosition(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.AbstractNode
- Sets the starting position of the node.
- setStatus(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.TileSet
- setStatusBarVisible(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Thumbelina
- Sets the status bar visibility.
- setStrategy(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.RegexFilter
- Set the search pattern.
- setStrings() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.StringBean
- Fetch the URL contents.
- setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[]) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.Filter
- Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[]) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.AndFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[]) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.HasAttributeFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[]) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.HasChildFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[]) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.HasParentFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[]) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.HasSiblingFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[]) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.NodeClassFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[]) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.NotFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[]) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.OrFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[]) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.RegexFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[]) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.StringFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- setSubNodeFilters(NodeFilter[]) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.TagNameFilterWrapper
- Assign the underlying node filter's subordinate filters.
- setTagBegin(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Sets the nodeBegin.
- setTagEnd(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Sets the nodeEnd.
- setTagName(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Set the name of this tag.
- setTagName(String) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Tag
- Set the name of this tag.
- setTagPrototype(Tag) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.PrototypicalNodeFactory
- Set the object to be used to generate tag nodes.
- setTarget(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.SiteCapturer
- Setter for property target.
- setText(String) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Node
- Sets the string contents of the node.
- setText(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.AbstractNode
- Sets the string contents of the node.
- setText(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.RemarkNode
- Sets the string contents of the node.
- setText(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Parses the given text to create the tag contents.
- setText(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TextNode
- Sets the string contents of the node.
- setText(String) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Remark
- Sets the string contents of the node.
- setText(String) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Text
- Sets the contents of the node.
- setTextPrototype(Text) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.PrototypicalNodeFactory
- Set the object to be used to generate text nodes.
- setThisScanner(Scanner) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.nodes.TagNode
- Set the scanner associated with this tag.
- setThisScanner(Scanner) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.Tag
- Set the scanner associated with this tag.
- setTitle(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.visitors.HtmlPage
- setType(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.ScriptTag
- Set the mime type of the script tag.
- setupDropTargets(Filter[]) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.FilterBuilder
- Set up drop targets.
- setupMouseListeners(Filter[]) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.FilterBuilder
- Set up mouse listeners.
- setUpperPattern() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.filters.StringFilter
- Set the real (upper case) comparison string.
- setURL(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.BeanyBaby
- Set the URL for the bean.
- setURL(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.FilterBean
- Set the URL to extract strings from.
- setURL(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.HTMLLinkBean
- Setter for property URL.
- setURL(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.HTMLTextBean
- Setter for property URL.
- setURL(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.LinkBean
- Setter for property URL.
- setURL(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.beans.StringBean
- Set the URL to extract strings from.
- setUrl(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Page
- Set the URL for this page.
- setURL(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Parser
- Set the URL for this parser.
- setUser(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.ConnectionManager
- Set the user name to access the URL.
- setValid(boolean) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Picture
- Sets the validity of the picture.
- setValid(boolean) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Tile
- Sets the validity of the tile.
- setValue(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.Attribute
- Set the value of the attribute.
- setValue(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.Cookie
- Sets the value of the cookie.
- setValue(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.tags.OptionTag
- Set the value of the value attribute.
- setValueEndPosition(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.PageAttribute
- Set the ending position of the attribute value.
- setValueStartPosition(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.PageAttribute
- Set the starting position of the attribute value.
- setVersion(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.http.Cookie
- Sets the version of the cookie protocol used when this cookie saves
- shouldRecurseChildren() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.visitors.NodeVisitor
- Depth traversal predicate.
- shouldRecurseSelf() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.visitors.NodeVisitor
- Self traversal predicate.
- showContextMenu(MouseEvent) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.FilterBuilder
- Show a pop up context menu.
- SimpleNodeIterator - Interface in org.htmlparser.util
- The HTMLSimpleEnumeration interface is similar to NodeIterator,
except that it does not throw exceptions.
- SiteCapturer - Class in org.htmlparser.parserapplications
- Save a web site locally.
- SiteCapturer() -
Constructor for class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.SiteCapturer
- Create a web site capturer.
- size() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.PageIndex
- Get the count of elements.
- size() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.util.NodeList
- skip(long) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.InputStreamSource
- Skip characters.
- skip(long) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Source
- Skip characters.
- skip(long) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.StringSource
- Skip characters.
- Sort - Class in org.htmlparser.util.sort
- A quick sort algorithm to sort Vectors or arrays.
- Sortable - Interface in org.htmlparser.util.sort
- Provides a mechanism to abstract the sort process.
- Source - Class in org.htmlparser.lexer
- A buffered source of characters.
- Source() -
Constructor for class org.htmlparser.lexer.Source
- spaces(StringBuffer, int) -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.Filter
- Append count spaces to the buffer.
- Span - Class in org.htmlparser.tags
- A span tag.
- Span() -
Constructor for class org.htmlparser.tags.Span
- Create a new span tag.
- splitButChars(String, String) -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.util.ParserUtils
- Split the input string considering as string separator
all the characters
with the only exception of the characters specified in charsDoNotBeRemoved param.
- splitButDigits(String, String) -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.util.ParserUtils
- Split the input string considering as string separator
all the not numerical characters
with the only exception of the characters specified in charsDoNotBeRemoved param.
- splitChars(String, String) -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.util.ParserUtils
- Split the input string considering as string separator
the chars specified in the input variable charsToBeRemoved.
- splitSpaces(String, String) -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.util.ParserUtils
- Split the input string considering as string separator
all the spaces and tabs like chars and
the chars specified in the input variable charsToBeRemoved.
- splitTags(String, String[]) -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.util.ParserUtils
- Split the input string in a string array,
considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
- splitTags(String, String[], boolean, boolean) -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.util.ParserUtils
- Split the input string in a string array,
considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
- splitTags(String, Class) -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.util.ParserUtils
- Split the input string in a string array,
considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
- splitTags(String, Class, boolean, boolean) -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.util.ParserUtils
- Split the input string in a string array,
considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
- splitTags(String, NodeFilter) -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.util.ParserUtils
- Split the input string in a string array,
considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
- splitTags(String, NodeFilter, boolean, boolean) -
Static method in class org.htmlparser.util.ParserUtils
- Split the input string in a string array,
considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
Static variable in class org.htmlparser.scanners.ScriptDecoder
- State when reading the checksum.
Static variable in class org.htmlparser.scanners.ScriptDecoder
- State while decoding.
Static variable in class org.htmlparser.scanners.ScriptDecoder
- Termination state.
Static variable in class org.htmlparser.scanners.ScriptDecoder
- State when reading an escape sequence.
Static variable in class org.htmlparser.scanners.ScriptDecoder
- State while exiting.
Static variable in class org.htmlparser.scanners.ScriptDecoder
- State on entry.
Static variable in class org.htmlparser.scanners.ScriptDecoder
- State while reading the encoded length.
Static variable in class org.htmlparser.scanners.ScriptDecoder
- State when reading up to decoded text.
- stateChanged(ChangeEvent) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina.Thumbelina
- Handles the speed slider events.
Static variable in class org.htmlparser.Parser
- A verbose message sink.
- strategyToIndex(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.RegexFilterWrapper
- Convert the regex strategy to an index into the map.
- strategyToString(int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.RegexFilterWrapper
- Convert the regex strategy to a string.
- Stream - Class in org.htmlparser.lexer
- Provides for asynchronous fetching from a stream.
- Stream(InputStream) -
Constructor for class org.htmlparser.lexer.Stream
- Construct a stream with no assumptions about the number of bytes available.
- Stream(InputStream, int) -
Constructor for class org.htmlparser.lexer.Stream
- Construct a stream to read the given number of bytes.
Static variable in class org.htmlparser.scanners.ScriptScanner
- Strict parsing of CDATA flag.
Static variable in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Lexer
- Process remarks strictly flag.
- StringBean - Class in org.htmlparser.beans
- Extract strings from a URL.
- StringBean() -
Constructor for class org.htmlparser.beans.StringBean
- Create a StringBean object.
- StringFilter - Class in org.htmlparser.filters
- This class accepts all string nodes containing the given string.
- StringFilter() -
Constructor for class org.htmlparser.filters.StringFilter
- Creates a new instance of StringFilter that accepts all string nodes.
- StringFilter(String) -
Constructor for class org.htmlparser.filters.StringFilter
- Creates a StringFilter that accepts text nodes containing a string.
- StringFilter(String, boolean) -
Constructor for class org.htmlparser.filters.StringFilter
- Creates a StringFilter that accepts text nodes containing a string.
- StringFilter(String, boolean, Locale) -
Constructor for class org.htmlparser.filters.StringFilter
- Creates a StringFilter that accepts text nodes containing a string.
- StringFilterWrapper - Class in org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers
- Wrapper for StringFilters.
- StringFilterWrapper() -
Constructor for class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.StringFilterWrapper
- Create a wrapper over a new StringFilter.
- StringFindingVisitor - Class in org.htmlparser.visitors
- StringFindingVisitor(String) -
Constructor for class org.htmlparser.visitors.StringFindingVisitor
- StringFindingVisitor(String, Locale) -
Constructor for class org.htmlparser.visitors.StringFindingVisitor
- stringFoundCount() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.visitors.StringFindingVisitor
- StringSource - Class in org.htmlparser.lexer
- A source of characters based on a String.
- StringSource(String) -
Constructor for class org.htmlparser.lexer.StringSource
- Construct a source using the provided string.
- StringSource(String, String) -
Constructor for class org.htmlparser.lexer.StringSource
- Construct a source using the provided string and encoding.
- stringToStrategy(String) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.wrappers.RegexFilterWrapper
- Convert a string to a regex strategy.
- stringWasFound() -
Method in class org.htmlparser.visitors.StringFindingVisitor
- StyleScanner - Class in org.htmlparser.scanners
- The StyleScanner handles style elements.
- StyleScanner() -
Constructor for class org.htmlparser.scanners.StyleScanner
- Create a style scanner.
- StyleTag - Class in org.htmlparser.tags
- A StyleTag represents a <style> tag.
- StyleTag() -
Constructor for class org.htmlparser.tags.StyleTag
- Create a new style tag.
- SubFilterList - Class in org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder
- A helper class for lists of filters within filters.
- SubFilterList(Filter, String, int) -
Constructor for class org.htmlparser.parserapplications.filterbuilder.SubFilterList
- Creates a container panel.
- swap(int, int) -
Method in class org.htmlparser.lexer.PageIndex
- Swaps the elements at the given indicies.
- swap(int, int) -
Method in interface org.htmlparser.util.sort.Sortable
- Swaps the elements at the given indicies.
- synchronous -
Variable in class org.htmlparser.lexer.Stream
- The number of synchronous (blocking) fills.
tag suitable for debugging.
tag suitable for debugging.
tag suitable for debugging.
tag suitable for debugging.
tag suitable for debugging.
property, firing the property change.
property, firing the property change.
visited that is an end tag.
© 2006 Derrick Oswald Sep 17, 2006
HTML Parser is an open source library released under Common Public License. | |